Anahera Press was founded by editor and poet Kiri Piahana-Wong in July 2011. We are a proudly Māori small press publishing house with a focus on poetry. We publish tangata whenua first and foremost, but also have a general interest in providing a publication platform for writers of colour.
Hanga karekare mai i hangariki pōkare
Make waves from small ripples
fly angel fly !!
Great idea – and fabulous to see someone making a committment to publishing ‘minority’ groups. Much needed to foster Maori writers particularly I think, we have not enough.
Kia Ora Tatou, Greetings Amigos y Amigas
Great news and best wishes for Anahera Press and its birth into this consumist and materialist world. This is a great venture and we hope you can be the voice of the voiceless in the realm of the written world.
Kia Kaha y Adelante siempre
solidarity greetings
Esteban Espinoza
Auckland Latinoamerican Artists Collective
I have only just learned of your publishing company and commend you for seeking to fill this niche. I would like to keep in touch.
I am looking to have some poetry published. I am a NZ born Samoan and try to write with empathy or inspiration. I have only just found this site and am excited to see a avenue like this.
Thanks Lora, feel free to submit your work to us once you have a full-length collection (50-90 pages!). 🙂